As long as I have been studying about evolutionism and talking about it with people there is one thing that I have become painfully aware of, the majority of Christians cannot give an adequate answer to the critic. Not only that, but I have seen a little bit of resistance whenever the topic of defense of the faith comes into the discussion. It maybe that this is just my experience and not typical of the rest of the church. I pray that it is.
The reason that I started down this path was when I had the honor to hear Dr. Thompson from Apologetics
Press deliver a lesson on the age of the earth (it was on a cassette tape). After hearing about all the assumptions that are associated with the method, have to be honest, I got a little mad. I felt as if the wool had been pulled over my eyes all through school. I had never been exposed to "the other side of the story". It was at that point that I began to investigate the claims of evolutionism for myself. You would be surprised at just how much is not taught in school. Now, do not get me wrong, I do not blame the teachers for this. They have a job to do and in all reality, they have their hands tied. All you have to do is look at the history of the issue. You cannot even question evolutionism in the public schools. If you do, you and the school could and probably will get sued, or even worse, you could lose your job, be rejected from advancement, or any number of things. I think you understand.
Since this is the case, our young people have a really rough road ahead of them. With this understanding about the situation, I find it hard to understand why parents are not more involved in it. 1 Peter 3:15 states "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason for the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:". Jude 3 states "Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." Philippians 1:27 states "Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel;" My question is this, with the aforementioned scriptural references, why is it that some parents seem to take the situation so lightly? Why are we not empowering ourselves with the information so we may empower our young people?
As I have talked with parents from time to time, I am sometimes amazed at the responses that I hear. I recall one time during Bible study, we some how started talking about evolutionism. A parent made the comment that they did not believe it because they could not understand that is we came from apes why do we still see them today. I quickly jumped in to correct their misrepresentation of evolutionism. I attempted to inform them that that is not what evolutionism teaches. In reality it teaches something completely different. We, humans and apes, came from an ancient ancestor. Evolutionism does not teach that we came from apes. We have a distant relative with in our history. In the middle of explaining their error, I was cut off and they simply stated that this is what I believe about it. To my dismay, the conversation ended there.
This individual has given the enemy, Satan, ammunition to begin assaulting the faith of the child. I realize that this was done in ignorance, but the fact still remains. Think about it for a minute. If the child has a conversation with a teacher, counselor, or another student and this item comes up, what will happen? The child with be embarrassed when the evolutionist corrects them. This could have a devastating effect on the childs faith. Not only that, the church now has egg on her face.
Another example comes from the pulpit. I was listening to a preacher, this time it was on my ipod, and The he made the statement that Pascals Wager was evidence for the existence of the Biblical God. Many in the church would agree with this statement. Again, we wind up with egg on our face. In reality, Pascals Wager is just a way to get people to think. To think about the claims of Christianity seriously and not just off the cuff because, if God does exist and the Bible is His word, there are serious consequences for non-belief. That is all it does. I remember reading an article by an atheist about this very item. To put it short, to say that this argument proves the existence of God, it also proves the existence of Zeus, Buddha, or any number of other false Gods. We had better believe in them to was the way that it was put.
This is a very serious time for our young people. We need to give them the resources that they need to help them in their walk. I invite all the purchase the DVD, "Faith for Life" by Brad Harrub. It is available from Apologetics Press, you can use the link to the right. Buy it, listen to it, and then study.
Take comfort in the knowledge that there are some in the public education system who still lead students down the path of reason that allow them to conclude God Created the universe. I'm a Physics teacher at a 5A high school in Texas. I'm also a YEC and apologist. In my class we examine the laws of the universe and their implications toward the age of the kosmos and origin of it.
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